Rivertown Kids
At River of Life Church our kids (infant through 5th grade) experience safe, age-appropriate environments where they learn about Jesus in a creative and relevant way.
Rivertown Kids services consist of a time of musical worship, large group lesson, and small group time. We would love to see you and your family visit Rivertown Kids.
Click Here to learn more about Rivertown Kids
NextLevel Students
Our goal is to create fun and engaging environments where students are encouraged to live Christ-centered lives. Events and services are all designed to help students fall in love with God, make friends, serve others, and share their story.
Our passion is to help your family have Christ-centered homes and to be equipped to be your student’s primary spiritual leaders.
Our students gather every Wednesday night at 7pm at the River of Life Church Campus.
We hope to see you and your students at our weekly worship gatherings and special events.
Women's Ministry
Our Women's Ministry is a place where women can be real and find acceptance, care, and compassion and genuine love. We meet together every other month and share a themed meal together, play games, pray and receive and encouraging word.
Men's Ministry
The ROL Men's Ministry is for men of all ages. We meet every other month for a time of fellowship and encouragement from the Word. We also go on social outings together on occasion.
Senior Adult Ministry
Our Senior Adult Ministry is a group of seniors who gather to sing and pray together, share their stories, play games, have a meal together and simply enjoy each other's company.
We meet every other month at noon in the River of Life Fellowship Center.